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When you're looking for a job, you're looking for a place to grow, contribute and excel. You’re looking for a place where you're connected to something meaningful. At CalOptima, we believe a job shouldn’t be just "where you work." We want your experience here to be much more than a paycheck. We're an organization with more than 1,300 employees committed to serving our members and providing them with access to high quality health services. We are dedicated to providing our members with outstanding service each and every day. Our service-centered culture is created by hiring like-minded, mission-oriented people, then placing them in a compassionate and caring environment.

At CalOptima "Better. Together." isn’t just a tag line, it’s how we work. We understand the connection between satisfied employees and satisfied members, and we go to great lengths to appreciate our talented staff. We have been recognized as one of Orange County's best places to work, so we know there is something very special about CalOptima. It’s why our employees choose to work here and why they choose to stay.

CalOptima is the kind of employer that attracts and retains great talent. Join the CalOptima Talent Network today!

What is a Talent Network?

Joining our Talent Network will enhance your job search and application process. Whether you choose to apply or just leave your information, we look forward to staying connected with you.

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  • Share job opportunities with family and friends through Social Media or email.